
Booking My Holiday

How to cancel my Exchange Holiday

To receive a full refund of your exchange fee and your Trading Power, you must notify us of your cancellation within 24 hours of making the booking.

If you wish to cancel after 24 hours, you will forfeit your exchange fee and, if you don't have Trading Power Protection, you will lose a percentage of your Trading Power:

Days From Cancellation Date% of Trading Power returned
271+ days100%
181 - 270 days95%
91 - 180 days90%
31 - 90 days80%
15 - 30 days60%
< 14 days*45%


Safeguard your Trading Power before you cancel!

If you are cancelling your Exchange Holiday within 270 days of the start date, you can purchase Trading Power Protect to retain the Trading Power used to make this booking. You can purchase this online as you cancel your booking.

To cancel your Exchange Holiday:

  1. Select 'Trips' from the top navigation panel to go to 'My Holiday Plans'
  2. Select 'Confirmed'
  3. Choose the booking you wish to cancel and select 'Cancel Reservation.'

You will be asked if you wish to purchase Trading Power Protection to retain your full Trading Power. Find out more about Trading Power Protection by reading the related topic page below.

Unfortunately, we're not able to refund your Exchange Fee or Trading Power if you cancel less than two days before the start of your Exchange Holiday.

If you would prefer to call us to cancel, view our Contact Us page to choose from our telephone numbers, opening times and available languages.

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