
Section 2: Planning Your Vacation

Depositing Your Week

What is a deposit?

As an RCI Member you have the option to deposit your timeshare week with RCI to exchange for another week elsewhere. Once you’ve made the deposit, your week is assigned a Deposit Trading Power, which you can use to determine which Exchange Vacation are available to you. Many factors influence Deposit Trading Power but the only one you can control is the timing of your deposit. Depending on when your deposit is made you can exchange for a vacation beginning 1 year before the start date of your week through 2 years after the start date – a 3-year travel window. Should you not deposit your week during the period in which you can maximise the trading power value of your deposit, we are now offering Weeks Members the opportunity to waive the % of deposit trading power lost as a result of not depositing at the maximum time (i.e. 2 years to 9 months). This is referred as Deposit Restore. For more information on this, please see the related help topic listed below.

When should I Deposit?

The RCI Rule of Thumb is to deposit your week 2 years to 9 months in advance of the start date of your ownership week to receive 100% of your available Deposit Trading Power to use for exchange. However, when you can deposit may vary based on when your resort makes your week available to you and when you pay your maintenance fees.

Q: If your week changes every year... how will you know when it is time to deposit?

A: We recommend that you establish a routine. Plan to call your resort at the same time every year to request your unit assignment and pay your maintenance fees. Remember, you cannot deposit your week with RCI until you have paid your maintenance fees to your home resort.

Q: If my resort hasn’t sent me my maintenance fee bill yet… how can I deposit early?

A: Call your resort and ask if you can pay it early. Many of our members who have found tremendous success with exchanging have set a routine, and just proactively call the resort at the same time to pay their fee and get their unit assignment.

How do I deposit?

After paying your maintenance fees, find out if you can deposit directly with RCI Select ‘Manage My Deposits’ and click on ‘Deposit My Week’ link. . Your available Deposits will be shown on the Weeks Available to Deposit page. From here, if you are ready to deposit, just -tick the box next to the appropriate deposit, hit the ‘Deposit Now’ button and we’ll walk you through the process.

Depositing Your Week

If you already know you have to deposit through your resort, just plan to do it at the same time you pay your maintenance fees. Not only is it one less phone call, but it will also help to make the exchange process run more smoothly. You can also determine what your Deposit Trading Power will be by using our Deposit Calculator.