
More Holiday Options

How to cancel my Extra Holiday

If you need to cancel your Extra Holiday or Late Deal and do so within 24 hours of booking, you will receive a full refund.

If you need to cancel your holiday after this 24 hour period the following the applicable cancellation fee will apply, as shown below:-

Time before departure date that the cancellation notice is received by RCI Cancellation Fee
More than 46 days0% of total cost of booking
31-45 days15% of total cost of booking
30 days or less100% of total cost of booking


Remember, if you're not able to take your Extra Holiday or Late Deal, you can purchase a Guest Certificate to transfer the holiday to friends or family who are not RCI members. Find out more by reading the related topics page 'Guest Certificates' below.

If you would prefer to call us to cancel or add a Guest Certificate, view our Contact Us page to choose from our telephone numbers, opening times and available languages.

To cancel your Extra Holiday or Late Deal online, just go to 'My Holiday Plans' section and select the 'Confirmed' tab. Choose the booking you wish to cancel and click on the 'Cancel Reservation' link. Based on the date you are cancelling your holiday, we will calculate the amount that you will be refunded.

Check the tick box to say you agree and accept the fees displayed, and hit the 'CANCEL RESERVATION' button. Your holiday will now be confirmed as cancelled.

RCI will aim to refund the monies within 24 hours, however if you refunded to your original payment source, the time in which your card issuer will return your money to you will be based on their own terms.