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Explore The History Of Mayan Riviera

Mexico is known for its music, food, culture, and breathtaking scenery — but that just scratches the surface. In order to know the “authentic” Mexico, you have to step back in time to see the true wonders that helped shape the country we love today.

Mayan Riviera History

Tulum Archaeological

Tulum is the only site that faces the Caribbean Sea, making it an important central hub in the ancient times for sea and land commerce in the area. Now, visitors can explore 60+ temples and marvel at the amazing views and turquoise waters of the Caribbean Sea from the cliff where this Mayan city was built.

Xcarat Park

Find more than 50 natural and cultural attractions in Xcarat — the nature park in Playa Del Carmen. From Mayan ruins to underwater rivers and more, you’ll find a unique experience everywhere you look as you explore the area. Learn more about the area’s wildlife at the Aviary, the Coral Reef Aquarium, or the Butterfly Pavilion. Then see the beauty from above the jungle as you zip line over Riviera Maya.

Dos Ojos Cenote

Dive into one of the largest underwater cave systems in the Yucatan peninsula. With a depth of 118 meters and length of at least 61km, as well as an abundance of natural light, this cave system is a great place for visitors of all ages to explore.

3D Museum of Wonders

Rainy day? Playa Del Carmen has the perfect activity for the whole family that you can only find in the Americas — the 3D Museum of Wonders. This museum centers on a celebrated artist who’s known for his mastery of 3-dimensional pavement art in the 80’s. This art illusion, known as trompe l’oeil technique, convinces the eye that the art is 2D or 3D which makes it easy to “jump” in and be a part of the art.

Sfer Ik Museion

Take off your shoes and explore Sfer Ik the way it was intended: surrounded by nature from head to toe. This award-winning museum uses dreamlike exhibits to heighten your experience with a mix of world-class art and Tulum’s natural elements. What’s even more impressive is that it was all built without a blueprint or heavy machinery. Instead, they employed Maya craftsmen who only used traditional building techniques to create this masterpiece that is now home to a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

Visit RCI.com to book everything you need for your Mexico getaway.

*These vacations are limited and subject to availability.

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