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go green
getting our
green groove on
On 7 July 2008, RCI Asia Pacific launched “Go Green”– an environmental conservation initiative aimed at changing the way we operate for the betterment of the environment and the mitigation of climate change.
The first wave of the three-tiered initiative focused on launching “green” activities for the RCI team which included installing recycle bins for paper, plastic and cans in the offices; instating posters, screensavers and email signatures reminding staff to adopt environmentally friendly habits in the office; conducting environment-themed games to educate staff about climate change; and screening Al Gore’s
Here are some tips on how you can Go Green on your next RCI holiday:
1. Use Public Transportation
Instead of renting a gas-guzzling car that will emit greenhouse gas emissions, try taking trains, buses, monorails, ferries or subways.
2. Rent a Smart Car
Choose a hybrid or a compact model that will consume less gas. And make it a point to drive within the speed limit to reduce carbon dioxide emissions.
3. Pack Light
Try not to bring more luggage than you need. This extra luggage adds weight to the airplane, buses, cars and other means of transportation you use, thus requiring more energy, and emitting more greenhouse gases, as it transport you from place
to place.
4. Take Digital Shots
Use a digital camera to capture your great holiday pictures rather than
a disposable camera or an old- fashioned one that uses film. And try to use rechargeable batteries instead of disposables ones too!
5. Conserve In-Room Energy
Remember to turn off the lights, TV, and air conditioning when you leave your room.
6. Consume Locally
Choose locally-grown foods like meats, vegetables, fruits and wines, instead of imported foods that are the result of long-haul shipping and handling.
award-winning documentary “An Inconvenient Truth”.
We aim to measurably reduce paper consumption and become more energy efficient in the Asia Pacific region.
Looking ahead, we hope to extend the “Go Green” initiative to the resorts we are affiliated with and to members like you, encouraging all to embrace eco- friendly practices that can help to reduce the human footprint on the environment.
“At RCI, we strongly believe that the
core values of our company govern our actions as a
responsible corporate citizen to our environment and the communities in which we live and operate. We believe in respecting the environment and we are committed to acting responsibly for the betterment of the environment and for the mitigation of climate change.”
- RCI’s Go Green Mission Statement

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