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Single black and white female seeks black and white male to start family.
ready, set
Looking for love in China
Four year old Lin Ping, Thailand’s most loved giant panda is searching for love
in the central Chinese city of Chengdu. Dubbed her “Flight of Love” in the northern city of Chiang Mai, Lin Ping has been watched by curious fans since her conception thanks to her own TV channel dedicated to her. Lin Ping was conceived 4 years ago by the artificial insemination of Chuang Chuang and Lin Hui, two pandas provided by Beijing to Thailand in October 2003.
Panda Romance
The Du Jiangyan Giant Panda Base of the China Conservation and Research Centre has arranged six male pandas for Lin Ping in the hope she will find her partner. A veterinarian will accompany Lin Ping during her visit and she’ll enjoy the riches of her favourite foods including fruit and bamboo and plenty of fun toys including plastic balls and rubber tires.
In 2014 the panda pair will fly to Thailand to raise a family for at least 15 years.
CITY OF ROMANCE: The Chinese city of Chengdu, a great place for single panda girls looking for long term relationships and a nice place to visit for us humans too.

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